Located in the Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand, Nelong Valley is famously known as Ladakh of Uttarakhand. Nelong is at the border with Tibet and that’s why an Inner Line Permit is needed to visit there. All the permit requests are approved by the SDM of Uttarkashi. To get the permit there are several steps that need to be followed. Here is a step by step guide on How to get your Nelong Valley Permit.

Step 1: Write an Application to the DM of Uttarkashi
In your application mention your interest in visiting Nelong Valley. Mention details of every participant, driver details, and car details. With the application attach all photocopies of the Govt IDs of all the participants. Keep 2 photocopies of this set of applications with you.
Step 2: Visit District Collectorate
After you have written your application, visit the District Collectorate office and submit your application to the DM office. After checking your application with all the details they will give a signed letter and your application.
District Collectorate Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Yz8uTNkmMWBjbyM5A
Step 3: Take your application and signed letter to District Thana
District Thana or Police Station Kotwali is located 500 m from the District Collectorate. Here you will need to submit your Letter and application. This will take some time as they will ask you a few questions. Once they are done they will sign your original letter.
Police Station Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/VKrk6cNnZEuQ92L57
Step 4: Visit the District Collectorate Again
Once again visit the DM office and submit your signed original copy. After checking all the signs and details they will generate a permit for your Nelong trip. Keep this permit safe with you.
This permit will need to be shown at the Checkpoint near Bhaironghati. There you will also need to pay the Gangotri National Park entry fee which is around INR 250 per vehicle and INR 150 for each member of the car.

Important Points to Keep in Mind
- Keep 1-2 buffer days in between your permit process. Sometimes due to Govt Holidays or any other reason it can take some days to get the permit.
- Keep 2-3 photocopies and an original copy of your Govt ID with you.
- Permits won’t be issued to Foreign nationals and NRIs.
- Mention your official name in your application, not the nickname.
- It takes usually 1-2 days to get the permit.
- Keep a check on the weather forecast. If the weather is gloomy or it’s raining, permits won’t be issued.
- Permit is only valid for a day for a particular time slot. You will need to get back to Checkpoint before 5 PM.
- It’s cold in the valley and by the time you return, it will be evening. So keep warm clothes with you.
- Keep enough water and snacks with you before entering the valley.
- Follow the Leave No Trace protocol.
- Carry binoculars just in case you see a Snow Leopard.
Need help with your Nelong Valley Permit? We at Himalayan Dream Treks can help you get your permits before you even reach Uttarkashi. Reach out to us at info@himalayandreamtreks.in or call us at +91 94565 46051
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